For each sentence, write a few keywords you think will help you get the best results.
Example: Is it true that penicillin is no longer effective to kill bacteria?
[penicillin efficacy]
[bacteria resistance penicillin]
[bacteria resistance antibiotics]
1. I want to find more books like 1984 by George Orwell.
2. Did someone else authored Shakespeare’s works?
3. Who is the Prince of Pop, and what is the blotted line that he made famous?
4. Who are believed to be the ancestors of the French
Indicate the operator that will help you write the best query: [and] [or] [not]
Who won the Oscar for best actor in 2000? and [Oscar and “best actor” and 2000]
1. I’m interested in impressionist painters other than Monet.
2. I want to know about autism in adults.
3. I want to find out about eating disorders but not about anorexia.
4. I'm looking for information about the Revolutionary War also called
the American Revolutionary War and the American
War of Independence.
5. I’m interested in finding the type of music played during the
American Civil War.