While we hope you use some of the themes covered in the Practical Guide to Love, Sex, And Relationships, you are free to choose any topic of relevance.
Length: You will have 5 sessions to complete and present the project
Format: A Sexual Health Fair
Tools: Computer, cardboard, accessories, posters, etc.
Guests: The nurse, 8th grade students, admin and teachers
Click on the images to link.
Scarleteen: Sex for the real world is an independent, grassroots sexuality and relationships education and support organization and website.
Information on women's health and sexuality from renowned Our Bodies Ourselves has created a ton of fun videos. Check their channel.
(the main elements of your topic)
(words that will help refine your search and focus on your specific topic.
In Google:
[and] Implicit, you don’t have to write it “sex ed” controversy
[or] Is capitalised [OR] program OR curriculum
[not] Is the minus sign [-] “sex ed” program -abstinence
consent teenagers OR adolescents france law OR legislation
"parental consent" abortion controversy
"sexual offenses" penalties OR legislation "united states"
"sex education" pros cons
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence.
What does”being in a relationship” mean? What is a healthy relationship? What are the different forms of relationships such as emotional, physical, asexual, fluid, polyamorous, monogamous,etc. What are the expectations regarding sex? Does sex necessarily have to be part of a relationship?
Readiness and First time
How do you know you’re ready for a sexual relationship? What constitutes "having sex"? How do you know you’re not pushed into it? What is the average age teens have their first sexual relationship? How do you deal with your and your partner’s needs and wants. Coping with pressure: partner, friends, family, religion, values, the media...
Sexual Diversity
What is the experience of LGBTI teenagers in schools? How can we, as individuals and as a community, do a better job at understanding, accepting and helping teens who are same sex attracted?
The age of consent (the age where you can legally have a sexual relationship)
What does the law say about sexual relationships among minors? You may compare a couple of countries, France and the USA, for ex. What does the recent law in France say? Why is having a law important?
Consent / Harassment
How does consent work? What is the legal meaning of “consent”? How have Weinstein and #metoo changed the paradigms ? How does it affect flirting, courtship and dating?
Sexual offenses
What are the different kinds of sexual offenses in France and in the USA and what are the penalties for them, e.g., Sexting, rape, harassing, groping, harassment, porn revenge, sexual misconduct…
What is the debate regarding sex ed in schools? Explain the different programs such as abstinence and “comprehensive sexuality education”. How should sex ed be taught? Reflect on the place of LGBTQ in sex ed. programs. And if the media is not “abstinence only” should sex education be? (a 2010 American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement)
Is sex education in schools necessary? Here is a 2008 report posted on mediasmart that questions the need for sex ed in the age of the Internet. Is it still relevant today?
Birth control / Pregnancy
What are the most common types of birth control for men and women? Do they prevent STDs? Find stats for teens. Discuss the issue of responsibility, etc. Planned and unplanned pregnancies, and the consequences for teenagers.
Should teens need parental consent? Comment on the change of directions the United States has taken on abortion lately.
Double standards. Equality
What are the most common double standards for boys and girls? Why is this? How can we change mentalities and kill stereotypes? Are there examples of changes happening?
The (hyper-)sexualisation of Youth
Explain why today’s youth seems to be more sexualised at a younger age. What do you thing of the potential impact of France's ban on child beauty pageants?
This website from the Canadian Women's Health Network provides a wealth of information on the topic.
Present and discuss the most prevalent STIs and how to prevent them. Why are some of them making a strong come back (Chlamydia, for example)? What should we know? How can we learn about them? How do we get tested? Support your findings with statistics.
What are the challenges of having early access to pornography? How do you differentiate between porn and "real sex"?